300 Sales and counting

Elseerian has been available on Amazon for just over 7 weeks now. In that time it has had far more success than I could have hoped. Each week its ranking has improved, until currently it is ranked about 7,000. Last week I even got as high as 2,500 and made it to two best seller lists. I am grateful for all the support from friends and family, and especially grateful for whatever is driving the growth. As of now, I have sold over 300 books, and hope to crack the 500 mark soon. Thanks again!

60 sales as of this morning!

Elseerian has officially sold 60 copies as of this morning. It's current ranking is under 20,000, and it has even sold abook in the UK. I am astounded that it has done so well in just 3 weeks. With the exception of 4 sales on smashwords, all of them have been on Amazon. For that reason, I dropped Smashwords so I could enroll in the KDP select program. It will allow me to do free promotions of my book, and allow amazon prime members to borrow it for free. I will post here when I put my book up for free.
For any Twitter or facebook users. You can connect with me and follow for additional updates.

I have now e-published

I finally did it. Elseerian is e-published on smashwords and Amazon. I posted both about a week ago. So far I have sold 19 on Amazon and 4 on smashwords. Now would probably be the appropriate time for me to express my complete suprise that anyone besides my family has bought my book. (I know of at least 4 of those purchases were family.) For anyone interested, here is the link.

I am off to prepare my second novel. If possible, I want to e-publish my second and third books by christmas this year. We will see if I can do it.

Oh, and for any twitter users, I finally joined. My name is BenHale8. Send me a tweet if you would like!

Elseerian Book Cover

I am still moving towards epublishing as I wait for traditional publishing. Today I recieved the final design of my book cover. It is exactly the way I pictured it. The image of the assassin behind Taryn is perfect. The artist (Kendall Hale) did an amazing job. I hope you all enjoy it!

Oh, and for anyone curious, the seal on the bottom left has a special meaning, but I am leaving it up to my readers to figure it out . . .
Good luck!


One of my readers recommended I check out a website called smashwords. Although I have been skeptical of using self-publishing in the past, I was impressed with what the site had to offer. After my preliminary research, I feel like my mind is coming to accept the idea of epublishing. There is a great deal I would have to do if I decided to follow this route. I would need cover art, another review of my first book, and several other things.
To be clear, I am not giving up on being traditionally published. I am confident my books will be accepted and published, someday. The question is when. Currently, I have little time to write, or edit, my novels. Querying agents also takes time. At a guess, I would say I am at least a year or two out from being accepted by an agent. In that time frame, IF I epublished through smashwords, I can only improve my book. Reviews from new readers will help me continue to improve my writing. In addition, if (on the slim chance) I actually sold a lot of books, I could justify taking time off from my other business endeavors to work on my novels more.
Either way, It’s definitely something to consider . . .

I received a second request from an agent!

Over the last year I have worked on sending query letters to agents. I will be the first to admit that my first attempts lie somewhere between abysmal and wretched. As I have improved my skill at writing query letters, and learned a great deal about the industry, I have shorted and condensed my query letter with each attempt. Recently I carefully selected 5 agents to query. I studied each agent and revised the letter to be specific to them.  It is now a week later. I have received 2 rejections, and a partial request to read the first 50 pages.
With no small amount of effort, I quelled my excitement and sent the fifty pages. As much as I hope for more, I know the odds are against me. To date, I have sent around 100 query letters. (About 10-30 per round) Although I doubt I will be accepted by the first person who requests my work, I see this as a sign that my query letter is improving.
Of course . . .  I will more than happy if she decides to represent me.

My editor has finished reviewing Book 3

My editor has just finished reviewing Seven Days. As a less  . . . biased opinion, I appreciate her feedback. She particularly enjoyed the final action sequences, and said that my character development has improved greatly. I am also grateful for her insight as she noticed several minor holes in the plot hat I hadn’t noticed. Now I get to edit the book again with her perspective in mind.  
3rd draft here we come.