Writing and Weight

It turns out that being a writer essentially means sitting around every day. I hate to admit it, but my diet of cookies, bacon, and chips has not been ideal for my new job. In an effort to combat the slight expanse to my waistline, I joined my wife in exercising this week in the mornings. Not only is she in better shape than I, but she looks way better than I do during a workout. Now I'm sore, hungry, and really attracted to my wife.  I've never really had to exercise before, so I assume that's how it's supposed to work, right?

New Trilogy for 2015! You won't believe who the main character is!

Announcement time! This year I am planning on writing a story both unique and powerful within the Chronicles of Lumineia. Written from the perspective of King Tryton himself, it will detail the story of one of the most legendary of warriors. Rock trolls have always been one of the most interesting races within my series. Their history and heritage are things I've wanted to explore for years, and this trilogy will allow me to do that. Feel free to post your thoughts below!

The Forge of Light is Live! http://amzn.to/13Cn6TQ

The Forge of Light is officially live on Amazon. 14 months after publishing The Last Oracle, The Forge of Light marks the fifth and final installment in the White Mage Saga. With the short story Assassin's Blade also released this week, The White Mage Saga now comprises six titles. This brings my total books to ten in just two and a half years. I have discovered I love to write, and I'm so grateful to all of you for making it possible. In an odd coincidence, today is also my ten-year wedding anniversary. Even after all this time we are still one soul in two bodies. Eternity is not enough time with such an incredible woman. I love you Sicili! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you enjoy my latest books!

Assassin's Blade is Live!! http://amzn.to/1DQhDsD

Assassin's Blade low resI am so excited to announce that Assassin's Blade is officially live on Amazon. This prequel novella expands the White Mage Saga, and provides insight into the Swordsman, and Hawk. It is my first novella ever, and I can't wait to see how it recieved. All of my beta readers said it is one of the best things I have ever written. This release kicks of my Nine days of White Mage event. In the next few days I will post teasers and secrets about the history, and end with publishing the final book in The White Mage Saga, The Forge of Light.Here's the Link!

Forge of Light is slated for release on Dec. 18th!

I can officially announce the release date for Forge of Light as December 18th!!! I can't believe this will end my second series in the Chronicles of Lumineia. I've been working on this series for a year and a half, and coming to this point is bittersweet. There's so much to do in the next 13 days. 4 drafts to go, including a beta reader draft and a vocal draft. Also, Assassin's Blade will be released in just FIVE DAYS. I can't believe it. This prequel is so awesome, and writing about the Swordsman is incredibly fun. What do you think? Is he your favorite? Or someone else?

Vocal Draft is Done! 4 Days until Impact of the Fallen is released!

I just finished my vocal draft. It's the last draft I do. Reading it out loud to myself helps me catch lingering typos that have slipped past my beta readers and my editor. There might still be a few, but Impact of the Fallen feels done. Four days and counting until it goes live! For anyone interested, all of my books go through about 12-14 drafts. Among those are an alpha reader draft, a professional editor (who is amazing by the way) and a beta reader draft. I read through my book about 8 times before I publish. I do all of this because I hate reading books that are poorly edited, and assume the same for my readers. In spite of my efforts, a few typos slip through every once in a while. I actually appreciate it when my readers send me a message and let me know they found one. Thanks guys!